Saturday, April 3, 2010

Street Boxing Seminar

Beginner's Mind School welcomes Master Instructor Steve Smith on May 5th as he provides a night of demonstration and instruction on Street Boxing. This exciting seminar on a different style of boxing will be open to the public from 6pm to 8pm with an incredibly valuable entry of $25 per person!

This seminar will provide knowledge and skill to any person whether you are trained in the arts or not and will charge you with a great sense of accomplishment!


Hosted by: Master Instructor Steve Smith
Located at: Beginner's Mind Dojo, alley entrance behind 217 W. Chestnut st.
Date: May 5, 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Entry Fee: $25

No extra gear is required to attend but plenty of hydration and safety padding is recommended.
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