Monday, March 29, 2010

Child Abuse Prevention

Walla Walla's "A Mile In Their Shoes" event was a beautiful success and many people from all around the area came to spend a day in the park with their fellow neighbors and enjoy some great live music provided by the band Grey Wolf as well as partake in two different mile-long walks around the very lush Pioneer Park.

Some of the public discussion came from three different speakers from three different sides of the child abuse issue, including the fourth generation Walla Wallan, retired LAPD officer, Lawyer, counter-terrorism investigator and candidate for Walla Walla Sheriff, mister John Turner.

Among the organizations that were present and assisting were the Children's Home Society, Phi Beta Lambda, and the Linus Project. Everyone from the Beginner's Mind School was more than willing to assist as safety crew for this phenomenal event and all was handled expertly!

Our thanks go out to all of those involved as well as the coordinators of this important event! We were proud and honored to be a part of this community event!

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