Wednesday, July 14, 2010

IFYCA Fall 2010 Mountain Retreat

Beginner's Mind School instructors are very excited to attend the IFYCA Fall 2010 Mountain Retreat seminar and we welcome you to come as well!

The field of study at this seminar will benefit the new and veteran martial artist alike. This event is open to the public and is a rare opportunity to get involved with aspects of martial arts seldom found in the classroom. Train in the mountains, outdoors (unless the weather turns sour, then you will move indoors), and touch hands with many talented artists.

Life long friendships are made here. The personal and informal pace of the seminar makes the learning very exciting and encouraging. If you have never practiced martial arts, there is truly no better event than this to introduce you to the art and the fantastic people that are involved with it.

From The Little Dojo--
"The September Mountain Retreat will be featuring Fook Yueng Chuan, Preying Mantis, Sensitivity, Skill Development Drills and Guest Instructor Jesse R. Glover (Bruce Lee's First Student).

We will Start Training Friday Morning at 10 A.M. and events will go until Sunday at 1 P.M.

To arrange for your tenting or cabin needs contact

To RSVP email or call 509-301-2274.

Bring your own training sticks, rubber knives, gloves and eye protection.

This is a very special event and I encourage you to come train with the group from all over the US and Canada and especially Jesse. This is a good opportunity to bring a new friend with you to experience this amazing art."

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