Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Arts in the park

One of the great things about warm seasons is that, a school can take their training into outdoor environments without catching cold. It is exactly this that the Beginner's Mind crew did today!

The youth class turned the playground equipment from Tietan Park (in Walla Walla) into a junior Ninja Warrior obstacle course and ran a few rounds, modifying the course after each child has gotten their chance to succeed.

Though, this exercise seemed like a great thing, the adult class opted for challenges of their own as they worked punching and kicking drills while strengthening balance. Moving from mitt and resistance drills to escrima stickwork, the crew began their foray into Earth Six and then transitioned to some defense / combat work. Today was also sparring day, but rather than looking like a fight club in the park, BMD decided to flag spar, which was so successful, a pair of spectators eagerly jumped in for their own fun matches.

Thanks to all attendees and we look forward to training in the park more in the future!

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