Monday, February 23, 2009

Women's Self Defense at WWCC

Beginner's Mind Martial Arts Dojo and Phi Beta Lambda have teamed up to present female students of Walla Walla Community College with a three hour class that helps develop skills and understanding which may be called upon in times of need!

This self defense course, which is held at the WWCC campus in the Water building 2023 on Saturday, February 28th from 1pm to 4pm, will cover physical aspects of self defense by covering basic striking tailored for female effectiveness as well as basic grabbing and holding escapes.

Additionally; Stacy, Beginner's Mind's female instructor, will discuss the psychological aspects of self defense and the body's natural response in high stress situations, the key element in self defense.

There will be plenty of opportunities to practice what you've learned and great fun to be had by all! This class is open to female college students enrolled at WWCC and their loved ones at a very special PBL ticket price of $15.00 per person. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Phi Beta Lambda and the many great causes they fight for with their brains instead of their fists!

For sign up or additional information contact Phi Beta Lambda Vice President, Jennifer Christensen
or E-mail Mrs. Conley

Sign up is limited so sign up NOW!

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