The local IFYCA schools will be hosting a student appreciation seminar which will take attendees through Non-Classical Gung-Fu, BCS self defense system, advanced form applications, and effortless power. The goals for this seminar beyond learning is association of the arts and application of accumulated styles while developing an appreciation for a range of skills.
This no-cost seminar is open to all IFYCA students and their friends and family at no charge and will be taught by master instructor Steve Smith, inheritor of Fook Yueng Chuan, student of Master David Harris and Master Fook Yueng (Bruce Lee's teacher from 1959 - 1966).
We will work through the arts from 10am to noon. We will break for a pot-luck lunch until 1pm at which point, we will resume training until 3pm. If you have a favorite dish you would like to share, feel welcome in bringing it.
This is a great opportunity to come together with other students from other schools and get to know the extended martial arts family that shares your community with you.