Friday, May 29, 2009

Walla Walla Author Speaks to College

Joe Cooke, award winning author of Elysen, The Broken Leg Book, Shadow of the Raven, and the recently released Thorsen’s Law will be speaking at Walla Walla Community College on Creative Entrepreneurship as well as discussing the pros and cons of paving your own path in life.

Creative Entreprenuerism

Hosted by: Phi Beta Lambda/FBLA, Walla Walla Community College
Date: Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009
Time: 8:30 - 9:20 am with post event discussion until 10:00 am
Location: WWCC Campus, Health and Science Building. Room 1732
Walla Walla, WA
Phone: 509 - 520 - 1005

“Self-employment, the pros and cons - questions and comments welcome (e-mail them ahead of time, please) - now open to the general public!
Also, I will have copies of my new novel THORSEN’S LAW available, and I will, of course, sign them for you, if you wish.” –Joe Cooke

This will be a one hour seminar and it is FREE and open to the public so it is a win-win situation for all that might be interested in attending!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

International Fook Yueng Chuan- June Mountain Retreat

Jesse Glover, Bruce Lee’s First Student and Assistant Instructor will be a guest at The Little Dojo / International Fook Yueng Chuan Association Mountain Retreat the Weekend of June 5, 6, & 7.

This is a rare and exciting opportunity to meet Jesse Glover and Master Steve Smith long with other fantastic instructors from the United States and Canada as well as the chance to train with not just these supremely talented individuals, but to also meet new people and make some great, long-lasting friendships! The total hour amount of training is also incredible as it can add up to the equivalent of three months of knowledge just based on minute by minute timing! The true value of knowledge is far more extensive than three meager months, however as a single mountain retreat can load, possibly years of information into your karate cranium! Mr. and Mrs. Conley will be attending this event as will the majority of the adult class from the Beginner's Mind Dojo. Many more individuals from the United States, Canada and other parts of the world will be in attendance and, to work with others from other areas offers insight on aspects of the arts that might be overlooked locally!

Jesse Glover is one of the worlds leading experts on Bruce Lee’s fighting methods. Jesse Glover teaches privately at his school in Seattle and does select seminars around the world. Jesse is a consummate coach who is able to see instantly how to get the most out of an individual while helping that person maintain their unique way of moving. This is a rare opportunity to train with on of the worlds finest teachers.

As the history of such an event is one not to be passed up, if you feel as though you would like to attend, please contact Master Smith at to reserve your spot today!

Friday, May 22, 2009

ATTENTION PARENTS - Local Kidnapping Issue

The Beginner's Mind School just received a mass phone call from the Walla Walla police department that explains a predator in a white car is trying to pick up children walking home. If you have children in the WW area (including surrounding towns) BE AWARE of this situation! He is trying to lure them into his car with candy and gifts and has also tried to convince them that a parent requested he pick the children up.

This has caused mixed feelings of concern and anger.
I feel like I am pretty good at seeing the world through the eyes of others, but no matter how many times I try stepping into the shoes of someone like this to understand why they do it, I just don't get it. I can't even come close to getting it.

Whatever the thoughts are behind this deranged person, let's all work together to keep our children protected and informed! The first way to be certain your children learn is to explain the situation to them. Additionally, reassure them that they will NEVER get into trouble for NOT getting into a car with someone that claims mommy or daddy sent them!

Beyond that, here are some websites for you parents to visit in order to help you understand how to protect the one's you love the most!

Website #1

Website #2

Website #3
This site has additional links to organizations that deal in child abduction prevention.

Martial arts is a great defense for a child but it SHOULD NOT BE THE FIRST DEFENSE!

If you have any information on this problem, contact the local police department.

Walla Walla Police Department
15 N 3rd Ave
Walla Walla, WA 99362
(509) 527-4434

College Place Police Department
625 S College Ave
College Place, WA 99324
(800) 433-3243

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My First Day of Teaching

I came across this old note that I wrote on what was possibly my first real teaching experience in the martial arts world. Experiences such as this are my motivation.

Each class brings out my weakness which promptly streams from every pore and rolls to the mat and, even though I'm pushed differently and diligently every night, I feel the desire to continue training after class has ended, which is always too soon. I gain a thirty minute cool down while my youngest girl gets on the mat and explodes with a brilliance that most could only hope to witness, much less, become.
During my daughter's class, a young and lonely student of the class following my girl's asked if I would be watching him perform in his class just like I watch my own daughter in her own. I could tell he desperately wanted to connect with someone and there was no one to support him so I offered my attention. Fate wove through this event as our Master Instructor approached me and asked if I would be willing to teach this young man's class.
Immediately, I began questioning my own ability and my confidence was taking blow after blow from the villainous monster known as doubt but we worked through it together and I gladly accepted the offer.
I was no longer the student and was now a teacher, even if only for thirty minutes. It was at that moment of realization that the wash of responsibility drenched me and my alertness level had been heightened to the stratosphere.
The next half hour, I worked very closely with this young man. We built strength and precision. I challenged him physically and he challenged me spiritually. We pushed through techniques and forms. My mind constantly traveled to memories of substitute teachers in middle school through the comparisons and my leniency level was challenged. This intelligent young man was emotionally checking boundaries and testing personality weaknesses to encourage the physical ease of his training and I knew that, as an initiate instructor, I would be a failure if I allowed this to happen but if I was forceful and stern that I would lose my first pupil forever. I was holding the future in my hands, not just mine but this boy's devotion as well. What was I to do? I took a chance and searched for closer connection to this child by digging for his interests that might motivate him to excel of his own accord so we took a moment and talked.
Once we built a solid relationship, our class motored on with freight train intensity and we no longer needed to struggle for control which encouraged his full support and even offered up some genuine smiles through the class from more than just the two of us but also the bystanders that I suddenly realized were very interested in our progress. By the end of the class, I felt confident that he took some valuable lessons home with him and I could tell that he no longer felt that sense of isolation that filled him before class. He got what he was after, the chance to show his skill to an interested peer and to feel accomplished in a field he enjoyed but has not gotten much support in.
We all left the school and his glow was possibly the brightest today. I was proud of him and told him as much as I thanked him for teaching me today in what has been my most valuable lesson thus far.
Experiences like this are the exact reason I pursued a future in teaching and my school, Beginner's Mind Dojo, would not even exist without the valuable experiences I learned from this young man..

Monday, May 18, 2009

Work on the school

This last weekend, some members of the International Fook Yueng Chuan Association took advantage of the 80+ degree weather and began raising walls at the Beginner's Mind School. The construction didn't get finished, but with the help of Dr. Dale Fetroe, Mr. John Humble, Jay Sullivan, Patrick Keenan, Rick Morgan, and few others, we managed to do a fantastic job and, hopefully all enjoyed ourselves at the same time!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Beginner's Mind Spring Bike Ride

The instructors and students of the Beginner's Mind dojo gathered on Sunday morning at the dojo with bicycles and picnic supplies and headed out into the warmth of the Sunday morning.

The ride was kept at a casual pace so that the half of youth students that attended were very comfortable and well taken care of throughout the trip. In order to avoid large amounts of traffic, Mrs. Conley led the large group of cyclists primarily through back streets as our traveling band of merry martial artists enjoyed the sun and conversation while casually working toward our destination at Rook's Park, just outside of Walla Walla.

Traveling from the West end of town to the East, one does not appreciate the incline until it is experienced on a bicycle but the climb was enough that we stopped once for the sake of our youngest student as she caught her breath at Pioneer Middle School. After continuing our trek, we wound our way to the bike path that runs along Mill Creek and followed it the rest of the way, enjoying the sounds and sights of the water as it rushed in the opposite direction in the creek beside us.

Once at the park, the first thought on everyone's mind was the glorious idea of food! We packed out our sandwich gear and side dishes and the gang showed their diversity as each sandwich was compiled just a little bit differently. This was probably the least vocal part of our trip as every person was so completely enamored with their lunch, but that still didn't stop the discussions or joking that stayed high through the entire excursion!

After everyone got their fill, games quickly followed, such as frisbee, horsehoes, and especially a modified game of badminton which saw friendly jibing, broken rackets, and more than one tackle! The hours passed by far too quickly and before anyone was ready, it was suddenly time to go.

The one thing all of the attendees were thankful for was the downhill ride all the way back to the dojo, which afforded the relaxation and ability to tour through some of Walla Walla's historic homes.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

To any parents out there concerned about your children and martial arts

Through online study and internet research, Mr. Conley came across this fantastic youtube video composed by Tom Callos from and would like to share it with you.

These are things within the Beginner's Mind Dojo that we strongly resonate with, not just as instructors, but as parents.

Thank you Mr. Callos for your insight and wisdom.