Walk A Mile In Their ShoesThis event is happening THIS Sunday and the
The Beginner's Mind Dojo is showing our support and assistance by providing students, instructors, family, and friends as crossing guards for this event. If you would like to assist and be a volunteer crossing guard, please contact Mr. Conley at mrconley@beginnersmindschool.com so we can get some prepatory work gathered up.e.
Walk a Mile in Their Shoes, walk against child abuse.
Sunday, April 26th, 1-4 pm.
Meeting at the courthouse.
The walk itself begins at 1:10 and will cover a single mile (in a circular route, beginning and ending at the courthouse).
Walk A Mile In Their ShoesVOLUNTEERING:
Meet at 12:45 pm near front steps of the courthouse for coordination.
As crossing guards, your time required at the event will only be as long as people are walking. Mr. Conley plans on staying afterward in order to enjoy the day and perhaps help with cleanup.