Before teaching, I had a moment of panic at the realization of this being our debut seminar. People were still arriving as I fidgeted with informational handouts and my nerves were still a twitter. I then remembered the counseling that our sensei offered to and his confidence within us and was beginning to feel empowered but was still reminded that these women were still going to be influenced by my teachings today. After a small amount of speed talking in the beginning (which I slowed directly afterward), the class got underway and the ladies in attendance were excited and eager to get underway and before we knew it, the day zoomed by. Those attending were attentive and thrived on the knowledge we shared with them, everyone participated in all drills and after each one walked away with coments like "wow i can do this", "wait, that was so simple", and my favorite "I can't believe I have that much power just from that!". At the end of our day together, each one thanked Mr. Conley and I for a great day and for about another 30 minutes, slowly one by one took their leave. I feel grateful and honored to have had this opportunity and thanks to my wonderful Husband (punching bag) together made it in my eyes an awesome day.
What I feel all of them left with was an empowering knowledge that everyone can protect themselves and that if they trust in their instincts as well as the individual strengths we worked today they are more protected. What I walked away with was a strong feeling of satisfaction and confidence! Satisfaction that every attendee had a fantastic time and confidence that there were that many more women in the world that have taken the power of protection into their hands!